Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is paintball or go-karts better for birthday parties?

The birthday party is for a 13 year old. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do go-karts or paintball. The go-karts were really good ones but they would only get to ride for 15 or 20 minutes. The paintball you get 500 paintballs and they say it lasts a couple hours ??? Which one would be better?|||I am the same age, and I would recommend the go-carts because you wouldn't want to risk a serious injury with the paintballs.|||Paintball doesnt really do any harm unless you dont follow the rules of not taking off your mask on the field or if you trip and fall. If its only him/her for paintball 500 piantballs could be enough depending on how he shoots. If more than 3+ people are going you need to get at least 3000-4000 paintballs. Paintball is not a cheap sport.

Go-karts its also fun but 15-20 minutes its not enough. If you could get 2 hours it should be good|||There is a lot more fun to be had playing paintball. You can shoot people without seriously harming them. The kids can learn teamwork in the process.

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