Saturday, December 24, 2011

I race go-karts on a dirt oval proffesional, I need a sponsor. How do I get a sponsor and keep it?

Try to get Goodyear....|||i will be honest and i have never done this but like make some flyers and put them up in stores.they usually have like a bulltein board by their exits.u could also ask if u could talk to the stores manager and just throw it out there to the dude.just spit ballin but watever|||Print Hero Cards with your picture and car on it. Put stats on the backside. Make the whole bottom backhalf of the card a coupon for a sponsor. Mock one up off of your printer. Put a prospective sponsor on the coupon featuring some discount that would make sense for their business. When you meet with the prospective sponsor, promise to print enough hero cards to hand out at the ticket booth to the fans for all season. I ran a late model stock car for a while and this worked fantastic for both the sponsor and for me.

Good luck...|||try writing to any local companys in your area tell them a little bit about yourself and you never know you might get somewhere

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